True Hope Fellowship

                                                      Points from the Pastor's Pen

                                                “Bless and do not curse.” Romans 12:14
                                   “The tongue has the power of life and death.” Proverbs 18:21

    Do you realize the words you speak have the power to bring life or death according to Proverbs 18:21? I believe it is God’s desire that followers of Jesus would choose bless words rather than curse words.

A bless word is a spoken word which lifts up and encourages. A curse word is a spoken word that brings down and devalues someone. All of us have experienced the inner death that comes from the curse word and the inner life that comes from a bless word.

     As a fifth grade student, a substitute teacher told me I was ignorant. Although it has been more than forty years since that happened, I can still recall the negative emotions of that moment. However, as a young pastor, our state youth director encouraged me that I was gifted to be an effective minister. I have never forgotten those wonderful words, which helped lift my life and ministry to a new level.

     God has given each of us a powerful speak ministry of Kingdom speech. This speak ministry begins in the things we say to ourselves (self talk). Things like: Jesus loves me (John 3:16) and “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13) Special bless words from the Scriptures spoken to self are essential for spiritual and emotional health. We find this pattern of Kingdom self talk throughout the Psalms.

     The second type of Kingdom speech is the outward flow, from our hearts, through our mouth, to others. This type of Kingdom speech has three parts. We use Kingdom speech to: (1) speak to God, (2) to “one another”, and (3) to the unbeliever.

Speaking bless words to God and one another involves the Five A’s of Blessing.

         Acceptance,      Approval,      Appreciation,       Affection,      Attention

        As we begin the second month of a new year, I challenge you to choose bless words over curse words, for yourself as well as God and others. Use the Five A’s of Blessing to help you speak words of life within your circle of influence.

Your Pastor and Friend,
